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The wallet component allows users to connect their wallets to a Dev Protocol app.




<div class="hs-wallet">
<a class="hs-button is-wallet-button">
<i class="hs-button__icon"></i>
<span class="hs-button__label">Connect Wallet</span>
<ul class="hs-wallet__details">
<li>Network: ???</li>


@use 'node_modules/@devprotocol/hashi';
@use 'node_modules/@devprotocol/hashi/hs-wallet';

@include hashi.init {
@include hs-wallet.render();

Connected Wallet

Whenever a wallet gets connected, append the .is-connected class to the parent element's class list. This will trigger special styling for the wallet details and the button icon.

<div class="hs-wallet is-connected">
<a class="hs-button is-wallet-button">
<i class="hs-button__icon"></i>
<span class="hs-button__label">[Address Here]</span>
<ul class="hs-wallet__details">
<li>Network: Polygon</li>


CSS Classes

These are used to structure, extend, and modify the styles of a component on the markup.

Anatomical Classes

These classes make up the elements inside a component.

.hs-walletMain/parent wallet class.
.hs-wallet__detailsThe wallet details.

Variant Classes

For information on how to use these classes, click here.

.is-connectedRenders styling if the wallet is connected.
.is-wallet-buttonIndicates the wallet button.

We also include variant classes for the hs-wallet__details subcomponent. These are mainly for positioning where the details render.

.is-leftRenders the subcomponent aligned to the left
.is-rightRenders the subcomponent aligned to the right.

Custom Properties

These are for creating your own component theme classes that you can append to the parent element markup.

--hs-wallet-details-fillChanges the wallet detail's background color.
--hs-wallet-details-inkChanges the wallet detail's text color.
--hs-wallet-details-borderChanges the wallet detail's border color.
--hs-wallet-details-radiusChanges the wallet detail's border radius.
--hs-wallet-details-paddingChanges the wallet detail's padding.
--hs-wallet-details-shadowChanges the wallet detail's shadow.
--hs-wallet-details-familyChanges the wallet detail's font family.
--hs-wallet-details-sizeChanges the wallet detail's font size.
--hs-wallet-details-weightChanges the wallet detail's font weight.
--hs-wallet-details-line-heightChanges the wallet detail's line height.


.my-select-field-theme {
--hs-wallet-details-fill: #232323;
--hs-wallet-details-ink: lime;
--hs-wallet-details-border: var(--hs-wallet-details-fill);

Configuring styles

Here are all the themeable properties for this component. The directions to use these properties are located in the render API.

$fill: 'primary-400' !default;
$fill-hover: 'primary-400' !default;
$fill-focus: 'primary-400' !default;
$fill-active: 'primary-200' !default;
$fill-disabled: 'disabled' !default;

$ink: 'primary-ink' !default;
$ink-disabled: 'disabled-ink' !default;

$border: $fill !default;
$border-hover: $fill-hover !default;
$border-focus: $fill-focus !default;
$border-active: $fill-active !default;
$border-disabled: $fill-disabled !default;

$radius: 'small' !default;
$padding: ('xs' 'md') !default;

Extending styles

If you wish to extend the component styles, the extend() API might come in handy.