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Buttons call the user to a specific action in the page. May it be in a form, or a hyperlink.



<button class="hs-button" role="button">
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>

There's a caveat to the HTML structure. If you wish to use the button component to redirect a user to another page, please use <a></a> tags instead. This improves accessibility, and the way styles work for this component. Additionally, anchor elements don't have a disabled attribute so you wouldn't really need a disabled state for this.

<a class="hs-button" href="" target="_blank">
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>

Additionally, you can use radios and checkboxes whenever you put it under the Button Group wrapper.

<div class="hs-button-group">
<input id="dev" type="radio" name="choice" value="dev" checked/>
<label for="dev" class="hs-button">
<span class="hs-button__label">DEV</span>
<input id="pro" type="radio" name="choice" value="pro"/>
<label for="pro" class="hs-button">
<span class="hs-button__label">PRO</span>


@use 'node_modules/@devprotocol/hashi';
@use 'node_modules/@devprotocol/hashi/hs-button';

@include hashi.init {
@include hs-button.render();

Text Button

Text buttons are used for the least prioritized actions. These are used as action alternatives, or actions to be third and beyond in consideration.

<button class="hs-button">
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>

Outlined Button

Outlined buttons are used for secondarily prioritized actions. These are used as action alternatives, or actions to be second in consideration. To use this style, add .is-outlined to the parent element's class list.

<button class="hs-button is-outlined">
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>

Filled Button

Text buttons are used for the most prioritized actions. These are used for actions you want the user to see/consider first. To use this style, add .is-filled to the parent element's class list.

<button class="hs-button is-filled">
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>

Button States

Button states refer to the semantic visual of the button. Examples include: success, warning, and danger. To apply any of these styles to the button, add an .is-success, .is-warning, or an .is-danger class to the parent element's class list.

Button Icons

The position of the button icon is entirely dependent on the markup position.

Leading icons are placed after the label, and trailing icons are placed before the label.

To use icons, place an SVG inside the .hs-button__icon element.

<!-- Trailing Icon -->
<button class="hs-button">
<i class="hs-button__icon" aria-hidden="true">
<!-- Icon SVG -->
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>

<!-- Leading Icon -->
<button class="hs-button">
<span class="hs-button__label">Button</span>
<i class="hs-button__icon" aria-hidden="true">
<!-- Icon SVG -->


CSS Classes

These are used to extend and modify the styles of a component on the markup.

Anatomical Classes

These classes make up the elements inside a component.

.hs-buttonMain button class.
.hs-button__labelClass for the button label.
.hs-button__iconClass for the button icon.

Variant Classes

For information on how to use these classes, click here.

.is-outlinedRenders the component in its outlined style.
.is-filledRenders the component in its filled style.
.is-raisedRenders the component in its filled + elevated style.
.is-fullwidthRenders the component in its fullwidth style.
.is-errorRenders the component in its error state.

Custom Properties

These are for creating your own component theme classes that you can append to the parent element markup.

--hs-button-fillChanges the button's background color.
--hs-button-inkChanges the button's text color.
--hs-button-borderChanges the button's border color.
--hs-button-radiusChanges the button's border radius.
--hs-button-gapChanges the button's label and icon gap.
--hs-button-paddingChanges the button's padding.
--hs-button-shadowChanges the button's shadow.
--hs-button-weightChanges the button's weight.
--hs-button-icon-inkChanges the button's icon color.
--hs-button-icon-sizeChanges the button's icon size.
--hs-button-label-inkChanges the button's label color.
--hs-button-label-sizeChanges the button's label size.


.my-button-theme {
--hs-button-fill: #232323;
--hs-button-ink: lime;
--hs-button-border: var(--hs-button-fill);

&:hover {
--hs-button-fill: #353535;

&:active {
--hs-button-fill: #535353;

Configuring styles

Here are all the themeable properties for this component. The directions to use these properties are located in the render API.

$width: max-content !default;

$fill: 'accent-400' !default;
$fill-hover: 'accent-400' !default;
$fill-focus: 'accent-400' !default;
$fill-active: 'accent-200' !default;
$fill-disabled: 'disabled' !default;

$ink: 'accent-ink' !default;
$ink-disabled: 'disabled-ink' !default;

$border: $fill !default;
$border-hover: $fill-hover !default;
$border-focus: $fill-focus !default;
$border-active: $fill-active !default;
$border-disabled: $fill-disabled !default;

$radius: 'small' !default;
$padding: ('xs' 'md') !default;

$family: 'body' !default;
$size: 'body' !default;
$weight: 'bold' !default;
$line-height: 'normal' !default;

$icon-ink: inherit !default;
$label-ink: inherit !default;

$gap: 'sm' !default;

Extending styles

If you wish to extend the component styles, the extend() API might come in handy.