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Buttons call the user to a specific action in the page. May it be in a form, or a hyperlink.

Button Variants

Text (Default)

Text buttons are used for the least prioritized actions. These are used as action alternatives, or actions to be third and beyond in consideration.


Outlined buttons are used for secondarily prioritized actions. These are used as action alternatives, or actions to be second in consideration.


Text buttons are used for the most prioritized actions. These are used for actions you want the user to see/consider first.

Error States

Error states refer to the semantic visual of the button in its error state.


Icons help the user identify a certain button easily. Icons could either be in their trailing, or leading positions. Leading icons are placed after the label, and trailing icons are placed before the label. The minimum spacing between the icon and the label is around the space-sm token value.

Typically, button icons are 22px in size.

Regarding which icons to use, please refer to the iconography guide.


The button can only use one color throughout the entire application (except states). By default, it is assigned to the accent theme property. You can change this to any of the provided (or extended) theme properties or color tokens.

The minimum contrast between the text and the fill color is at the AA rating contrast.


The button can only use one shape property value for each shape property (radius, padding, margin, space).


The button label size, weight, line height, and family must be consistent throughout the design system.